Total Lunar, Blood Moon Eclipse - 5 Degrees Sagittarius - May, 2021

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Wednesday, 26 May – 12.14pm UK BST, 7.14am EST, 4.14am PST

I hope you’re doing ok in these strange and unpredictable times!

Yesterday’s Total Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in the boisterous sign of Sagittarius is set to blast everything out of the park.  Its purging and liberating energy will be with us for several weeks to come. 

As Astrologer Susan Millar says, “Eclipses are the most powerful tool the universe uses to create progress. They force us out of our comfort zone and push us, ready or not, into new situations. In this way they’re like a cosmic rite of passage”.

As human beings we’re always evolving but Eclipses are major turning points which propel us into our next chapter. This could be the turning point we’ve been waiting for!

A Lunar Eclipse is like a Full Moon on steroids. It takes place when the Earth stands between the Moon and the Sun, cutting off the light of the Sun from the Moon.  Symbolically, when the Moon disappears it’s like a blotting out of what the Moon represents - our past, our habits and our unconscious conditioned behaviour. The more the Moon is eclipsed (i.e the more ‘total’ it is) the more we can potentially let go. This Lunar Eclipse is also a Supermoon, (when the Moon is at its closest point to earth) so we’ll be feeling its releasing and upgrading energies even more strongly than usual.

If you’ve been feeling extra sensitive and out of sorts in the lead up to this Eclipse it’s not surprising. This is a rare celestial event. Total Lunar Eclipses happen every 2.8 years, but, Total Lunar Eclipses combined with a Supermoon only take place every few hundred years! 

On top of this, the Moon was conjunct the South Node (our collective past), in Sagittarius. This is a quadruple whammy in terms of releasing eons of personal and collective karma, thought processes and behaviour.

Using the analogy of a computer, this is a ginormous reboot of our personal and collective hard drive. Eclipses open up a portal of energy where old downloads can go out and new downloads can come in, offering a massive opportunity for reprogramming.


With the Sun in logical Gemini opposite the Moon in intuitive Sagittarius, there’s a rewiring and rebalancing taking place between our left and right brains. The energy of this Total Lunar Eclipse could literally blow our minds.

The Moon and South Node in Sagittarius is stirring up old, unconscious programming around our beliefs, judgments and sense of righteousness. This is a time to check whether the expectations we have for ourselves and others are unrealistically high.  Sagittarius is a sign that demands complete honesty. It’s important to be aware of our own our inner dialogue and the stories we may have been telling ourselves. If we’ve been keeping ourselves too small, this expansive Sagittarian Eclipse can help us to grow bigger!  Above all we need to be kind to ourselves as our unconscious patterns and perhaps, self-sabotaging behaviour, start to surface for resolution.

Practicing regular meditation would be very helpful right now. Meditation doesn’t just calm the mind, it’s a mental deconditioning technique which can help us release some of our restrictive psychological patterning.

The good news is that Jupiter, the planet of growth and opportunity, is the ruler of this Eclipse.  Its square aspect to the Sun and Moon is activating the Jupiterian themes of abundance and good luck. Jupiter, also known as the planet of miracles, can help us connect to a higher, divine truth. This is all part of a collective raising of consciousness which has the potential to set us free from the self-limiting constructs of our mind.  

The Sagittarius/Gemini axis is also known as the axis of truth and lies. Overall, it’s a time for major disclosures and for the truth to come out. In the lead up to this Eclipse an Independent enquiry found journalist Martin Bashir used deception to secure his interview with Princess Diana. And on the actual day of the Eclipse, Dominic Cummings (Sun in Sagittarius), the former advisor to Boris Johnson (Sun in Gemini), was delivering a damning verdict to parliament on how the UK government handled the coronavirus. I suspect more ‘truth and lies’ will emerge over the coming weeks….

While things may not feel completely clear at the moment, we have a nicely aspected Full Moon in Capricorn to look forward to on 24th June. This is when things will start to make more sense and we can begin to process and consolidate all of the changes we’re currently going through.


As Carl Jung famously wrote “whatever you resist persists.”  This is a time to surrender, trust the universe and go with the flow. It’s a process that requires a leap of faith. 

I suggest, rather than fear eclipses like the ancients used to and many people still do today, we should welcome this catalytic energy by embracing the highest essence of Sagittarius and Gemini - enthusiasm, curiosity, openness and optimism.

From now until 10th June we’ll be in a potent portal of energy known as the Eclipse Gateway. This gateway between two Eclipses is like a bridge between one state of being and another.  

A Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse is like a get out of jail free card. Eclipses are said to be a time when we can change the script. The next two weeks are a precious time to take stock, release redundant storylines and prepare ourselves for a big new chapter.

The Gemini New Moon Solar Eclipse on 10th June represents a major new cycle which will set the tone for the next six to nine months. Gemini and its ruler Mercury symbolise how we think, communicate and perceive reality. Over the coming months, on a collective and personal level, we can start to rewrite the script.


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New Moon in Aquarius - Stepping into the Future - February, 2021