New Moon in Libra - Finding our Equilibrium - 6 October, 2021

The energetic tides are turning yet again and change is in the air.   Get ready for action - October is a pivotal month!

Things started to shift on the Autumn Equinox (22 September), when the Sun moved into Libra at 0 degrees.  The Equinox, which always coincides with the beginning of a new season, represents a major turning point in the year and a change in pace and direction.

 Yesterday’s New Moon in Libra, exactly conjunct Mars (action/passion), will take this new energy and run with it!   

 Over the next couple of weeks when four major planets start moving forwards again, the tempo is really going to pick up.


Pluto               8 October       24 Degrees Capricorn

Saturn            12 October    6 degrees Aquarius

Jupiter            19 October    22 degrees Aquarius

Mercury          20 October    10 degrees Libra

The Sun, Moon, Mercury and Mars were all together in Libra, the sign of relationships during yesterday’s New Moon.  This will encourage a new cycle of balance and harmony in our interaction with others. However, Mars is ruled by Aries the opposite sign to peace loving Libra.  Its proximity to the New Moon could symbolise some sort of conflict and confrontation.

If you’re currently dealing with a difficult situation this strong Martian energy may trigger you to stand your ground and even start a fight.  Simultaneously, the collaborative energy of Libra could help you to build bridges and reach a compromise. With Libra, the sign of the scales, it’s all about getting the balance right.

Venus, the ruler of the New Moon, is approaching the end degrees of Scorpio.  When a planet reaches the end of any astrological sign there’s a sense of completion around what we’ve been learning and mastering.  Whilst Venus has been journeying through Scorpio, we’ve been facing some of our deepest fears.  We have also been getting back in touch with our needs and desires and becoming more empowered in the process. 

Venus says, ‘I want what you want’ whilst Mars says, ‘I want what I want. ’With Mars currently in Venus’ sign and Venus in Mars’ sign we are learning how to balance our needs alongside the needs of others and how to attract and allow things to happen, rather than feeling like we have to make everything happen by ourselves. With Mars so firmly in the cosmic mix all month we could feel a resurgence in our energy and motivation. If you’ve been putting things off October is a month to get things done.  But if you push too hard you could burn yourself out.

This Libra New Moon is a call for action and balance in equal measure! 


Pluto, the planet of power and transformation, is stationary during this New Moon. It’s getting ready to go forward again tomorrow (8th) after being retrograde in Capricorn for 6 months.  Whenever a planet appears to be standing still in the sky, its symbolism and energy is magnified.

This is big rebirth energy adding even more fuel to an already potent New Moon!


On a collective level, things continue to be difficult.  It’s hugely symbolic that the world is now facing an energy crisis. Chiron, the wounded healer, in Aries opposing all the planets in Libra, brings an increased sense of urgency to our continuing global health crisis, yet also the potential for healing it.

Significantly, two of the most challenging and transformational planetary cycles of the year are coming to a head and starting to complete.  Pluto (representing the people in power) will square Eris (the banished goddess energy) for the fifth and final time on 9th October (Saturday). 

Meanwhile, the third and final square of Saturn (the status quo) and Uranus (revolutionary change) will take place on 24th December.  Both these transits have been bringing up the themes of freedom vs control. Although both squares will continue in 2022, they won’t meet in exactitude again suggesting that something big around the power structures of society is resolving.

When Jupiter (abundance/opportunities) and Mercury (communication/thought processes) begin to go forwards again on October 19th and 20th respectively, we should start to feel a lot more clarity and faith coming in.

With both Mars and Pluto energising this New Moon it’s a particularly powerful time for manifesting and setting intentions. We can draw on this potent harmonising energy to create more peace love and balance in our lives and in the world.


Full Moon in Aries - A Time for Action - 20 October, 2021


Total Lunar, Blood Moon Eclipse - 5 Degrees Sagittarius - May, 2021