Natal Chart and Transits

“The birth chart is the best guide we have to lead us back to ourselves”

— Howard Sasportas, Humanistic Psychological Astrologer – 1948-1992

Unlocking the Evolutionary Potential of our Birth Chart

Our natal chart is a living, breathing map of energy, a snapshot of the heavens created at the time of our birth. This map, commonly known as our ‘birth chart’, contains our unique cosmic blueprint which holds information about our life purpose, possible challenges and all-round potential.

The birth chart contains the raw material we’re born with, but this isn’t set in stone. 

We are evolutionary beings in a constantly evolving universe. As the planets, asteroids and other planetary bodies in the sky continue to move and grow, so do we. Our ‘cosmic DNA’, means we are hard-wired for evolutionary growth.

Astrology can show us where we are in our evolutionary journey, what we may still need to learn and how, through releasing unconscious blocks and beliefs, we can maximise our potential.

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Natal Chart and Transits

An in-depth look at your birth chart and the year ahead (2 hours).

The Natal Chart and Transits consultation is an exploration of the major themes and highest potential of your birth chart.

During this session we will also discuss how the current planetary alignments (transits) might be affecting you now and influencing your year ahead. I don’t predict future outcomes but I do advise on how best to work with the opportunities and challenges that the planetary energies may be presenting you with and highlight the best times to take action.

The session will begin and end with a short but powerful healing process to help facilitate the highest possible manifestation of your transits.

This session will help you to:

  • Realise and harness your talents and strengths

  • Understand your underlying motivations

  • Identify lessons you may still need to master

  • Recognise and release unconscious blocks and patterns of behaviour which may be interfering with your growth

  • Guide you along the next steps on your path


“Tanya has an ability to translate the essentially foreign language of astrology in a way that is completely tangible to me. Her intuition and sensitivity in guiding you through life’s challenges, without therapising, is another skill.”

— Eve, Counsellor


Bookings and Enquiries

To discuss costs, book a session or if you have any other questions please contact me.

Sessions are via Zoom or Skype and I will send you an audio recording afterwards. I look forward to offering in person sessions when it is safe to do so.

Please provide your date, location and time of birth when you book your session.