New Moon in Aquarius - Stepping into the Future - February, 2021

Can you feel the buzz in the air?

With 6 planets (Sun, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury) all in Aquarius, today’s turbo-powered New Moon could literally blow our minds.

Aquarius is the sign of the future and is ahead of its time. Its energy can generate great awakenings, innovation and revolutionary change.  We still have a few shifts to make, but this Aquarian New Moon is just what we need to help take us forward!


Thursday 11th February, 19.06pm (GMT), 14.06pm (EST), 11.06am (PAC)

New Moons are seeding moments and passages of change. The coming weeks are literally zinging with potential light bulb moments, wake up calls and personal and global breakthroughs.

It will be interesting to see what this innovative energy triggers in the world of science and medicine, particularly in relation to Covid19 research and vaccines. Retrograde Mercury in Aquarius, making a nice trine aspect to the North Node in Gemini (our collective soul growth), may bring in new information which could help take the world to a better place.

Aquarius also represents the development of group consciousness and the importance of community.  It’s a prime time for networking, exchanging ideas and group collaborations in general. The conversations we begin and the ideas we come up with over the next couple of weeks could to start to take shape at the Virgo Full Moon on February 27.  


February 17, June 14, December 24, 2021

The biggest planetary transit of 2021 will begin in just under a week’s time. Saturn, the traditional ruler of Aquarius and Uranus, its modern ruler, make a square aspect to each other every 22 years.  They’ll make the first of three exact squares on February 17.

The square will create an ongoing conversation throughout 2021 about how we integrate the old (Saturn) with the new (Uranus) and make changes (Uranus) that will work (Saturn). 

A square represents a tension between two planets.  When these planets first meet it can feel a bit like a tug of war. Uranus symbolises our move towards an exciting future, while Saturn represents the structures we need to put in place to make it work. 

Uranus, the sky god, wants to go fast but earthy, methodical Saturn tends to slow things down to make sure everything is in good working order.  We mustn’t be discouraged if things seem to be going too slowly.   Saturn encourages us to re-frame and consolidate whatever we’re working on. The highest manifestation of this square is sustainable growth and lasting change.  If we put in the work we’ll get the results!

Above all, this aspect will be encouraging us to explore our relationship and resistance (Saturn) to change (Uranus).  This might not be comfortable but both Aquarius and Uranus are breakthrough energy.  If we feel the fear and do it anyway, we have the potential to make monumental shifts and unprecedented progress.


We haven’t had so many planets in Aquarius since 1962 which saw the beginning of the counterculture revolution and the Civil Rights movement.

Saturn will be in Aquarius until March 2023 and Jupiter will be there for most of this year.  When Saturn moves out of Aquarius Pluto will move in and stay there until 2044.   This powerful New Moon with its themes of liberation, equality and ‘people power,’ is like a cosmic announcement that the energy and themes of Aquarius are here to stay.  

In the meantime, as Pluto moves through the last degrees of Capricorn it will continue to unearth and detoxify the old structures and habits that we don’t need to take with us going forwards.


The best news of all, at this Aquarius New Moon, is a beautiful conjunction between Jupiter, the planet of growth and opportunity and Venus, love, money and attraction. The expansive quality of Jupiter in Aquarius increases the manifesting powers of this already potent New moon. 

Jupiter will move back and forth over the New Moon’s 23 degree point three times this year – March 31- April 4, September 16-27 and November 7-18.  The seeds we plant now have strong potential to grow, particularly during the times Jupiter hits that 23 degree point.  Keep your intentions strong and be careful what you wish for!

Aquarius is the sign of the ‘people’ but it also reminds us of the importance of following the beat of our own drum and being true to ourselves.

This is a time to draw on the inspirational and innovative energies of Aquarius to help us identify our unique role in this new and exciting Aquarian era.

‘Come gather 'round, people
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grown….. For the times they are a-changin'

Bob Dylan


Total Lunar, Blood Moon Eclipse - 5 Degrees Sagittarius - May, 2021


Full Moon in Leo – Calling in the Light – January, 2021