Full Moon in Leo – Calling in the Light – January, 2021

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Thursday 28th January, 19.16pm (gmt), 14.16pm (est), 11.16am (pac)

Yesterday’s Full Moon in Leo was a firecracker of dramatic energy, igniting our passion, stoking our creative fire and opening our heart. We will feel its effects for several weeks to come. 

The Moon in Leo, in the sign of the Sun, is encouraging us to express how we feel, find an audience and shine in all our glory.    But with the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn in the opposite sign of Aquarius, most of the drama and attention is being reflected out into the collective amongst a sea of shocking news and fear.

Adding fuel, to this already fiery Full Moon, are revolutionary Uranus and assertive Mars both making a challenging square aspect to the Sun and Moon.  This volatile, uncompromising energy is capable of propelling us into completely new territory.  It can also help us break free from old patterns which have been getting in the way of us expressing our true selves. 

All of this challenging planetary action has been taking place in the fixed signs of Leo, Aquarius and Taurus. So, despite the potential for change, things could have felt tense and stuck in the lead up to this Full Moon.  Now that it has peaked, we can start to relax a bit and let go.


With Jupiter and Saturn now firmly in Aquarius a new world order is in the process of being born.  But if we are to create the best possible version of an Aquarian Utopia (a society based on the principles of fairness and justice) we have to also embrace the energy of Leo, its opposite sign.

This will involve finding a healthy balance between mental detachment (Aquarius) and heartfelt emotion (Leo) and the needs of the group (Aquarius) versus the needs of the individual (Leo).  It’s a balancing act that we will have to keep addressing as we move forward.

Right now, the Moon in Leo is urging us to come back to ourselves and the energy of our heart; encouraging us to find some light amongst all the darkness and fear that is currently surrounding us.

On a global level the Leo Full Moon speaks of the potential for revolutionary change through heart centred leadership and the creation of a more egalitarian society where every person counts.

Now that Jupiter and Saturn have left Capricorn, the old order in America at least, is starting to collapse. The process of Joe Biden reversing policies from the Trump regime and updating them with new ones, is rich with astrological symbolism.

We are at the beginning of change and we are heading in the right direction.  Remember, when America sneezes the rest of the world (particularly the UK) catches a cold. 

Whilst 2021 might have already begun, the astrological New Year doesn’t begin until the Spring equinox on 20th March.  This is when the Sun moves into Aries, the first sign of the zodiac.  Astrologically, this is a potent time which will herald in a new cycle.  I would expect a major turning point to take place around the end of March/beginning of April.

It’s interesting to note that the first worldwide lockdown began last March.  As we approach the end of the astrological year, we are still in a process of finishing off that cycle.


An exact alignment between the Sun and Jupiter (expansion and hope) is encouraging us to keep the faith and hold a positive vision of our emerging future.

Using the highest expression of Aquarius and Leo, this is a time to nurture and develop our unique creative offering so we can use it as a vehicle for the change we want to see in the world.


"For there is always light, if only we're brave enough to see it, if only we're brave enough to be it"

- Amanda Gorman, youth poet laureate, from The Hill We Climb. Inauguration poem 2021


New Moon in Aquarius - Stepping into the Future - February, 2021


Christmas Cosmic Update - December 2020