Full Moon in Aquarius – A cosmic revolution - August 2020

I hope you’re well.

Full Moon in Aquarius - A Cosmic Revolution - August 2020.jpg


The eclipse season may be over, but a feeling of volatility and intensity is still very much in the air.  We’re at a turning point in our evolution and the current planetary alignments - which includes five, soon to be six, planets travelling retrograde - are now highlighting some of the blocks we’re facing on a personal and collective level.  

The impetuous, yang energy of Mars in Aries has just started to make a challenging square aspect to the Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto line up in Capricorn.  With Mars currently conjunct his mythological sister, the dwarf planet Eris, this is a cosmic tug of war of the highest order that will continue until the end of the year.  Eris symbolises the banished feminine goddess energy and is known as the planet of discord.  This young, feisty, Mars/Eris partnership, in the warrior sign of Aries, is taking on the establishment, represented by the older, heavyweight planets in Capricorn. 

On a global level, this ongoing square could play out through continued civil unrest and restriction to our freedom.  On a personal level, it symbolises the struggle, but also the potential, we have for dismantling our own internal, outdated status quo and entrenched patterns of behaviour.

Last Monday’s Full Moon in Aquarius was equivalent to a cosmic tsunami; exactly the kind of energy we need to help us break through.  We’ll be feeling its reverberations for several weeks to come!



Monday 3rd August, 16.59pm (bst), 11.59am (est), 08.59am (pst)

Uranus, the planet of revolutionary change and great awakenings, is the ruler of Aquarius, and the ruler of this Full Moon.  Its exact square to the Sun in Leo and the Moon in Aquarius was like a bolt of lightning, creating sudden and unexpected developments, and the potential for monumental breakthroughs. 

The impact of this Uranian energy could have pushed something into consciousness, which may have felt both shocking and liberating at the same time.  This kind of energy has the power to free us from old unconscious patterning, as well as easing any resistance we may have to our evolutionary growth. 

A harmonious aspect to the Sun and Moon from Chiron, the wounded healer, reminds us that healing and integration is possible.  The Aquarian tendency is to go into the head to analyse our feelings, whereas the Sun in Leo reminds us of the importance of processing our feelings through the heart.



One of the key signatures of Uranus is to reverse the order of things – and this Aquarius Full Moon, with its strong Uranian influence, seems to have done something very unusual to our Lunar Cycle!

Our regular 29.5 day Lunar Cycle usually begins with a New Moon (the beginning of a new cycle/a seeding moment) followed by a Full Moon (the culminating/releasing of energy) two weeks later.  But Monday’s Full Moon in Aquarius has changed the order of things.  For the next year, we’re going to start every Lunar Cycle with a Full Moon followed by a New Moon.  This flipping of the Lunar Cycle will go through every sign of the zodiac right up until August 2021, when two consecutive Full Moons in Aquarius will take the Moon back to its original cycle.

In Astrology, the Lunar Cycle is a key factor in our evolutionary growth.  The Moon symbolises our emotions, our past and our subconscious habits and patterns of behaviour.  The sign our Moon falls in and the aspects it makes in our birth chart can reveal where we get stuck and cling to the familiar.  When the Moon’s cycle is interrupted, we are automatically challenged to get out of our comfort zone and grow. 

It feels to me like the energy of Aquarius and Uranus have performed a kind of cosmic coup, hijacking our lunar cycle and re setting it, to take us into new territory.  The fact that it’s happening at such a key turning point for humanity and lasting for a whole year, tells us that we can’t go back to the way things were.  On a positive note, the Moon might be where we can get stuck but it’s also where we’re most adaptable and malleable, so we have every chance of being able to make the evolutionary leap that’s being demanded of us!

This new reversed Lunar Cycle symbolises a completion (indicated by the Full Moon) before a new beginning (the New Moon); a confirmation that we’re approaching the end of the world as we know it.   

All of this is leading to a cosmic regime change which will take place on 21st

December, when Saturn and Jupiter enter Aquarius at 0 degrees for the first time in hundreds of years.  This is when a new world order will be born which will hopefully be based on the highest manifestation of egalitarian and humanitarian Aquarian principles.

The fact that this reversed Lunar Cycle begins and ends on an Aquarian Full Moon, indicates that it may take a year for the world to find its new rhythm and footing in the Aquarian age.  But we’ll get there in the end!



Uranus continues to dominate the sky.  Right now, it’s slowing down in preparation to turn retrograde on Monday, 17th August.  It will be stationary and at its most powerful on Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th when it will appear to be standing still in the sky.  Whenever a planet is stationary, its symbolism is magnified; when it’s travelling retrograde, it’s closer to earth, so we feel it more intensely.  When Uranus is around all we can do is expect the unexpected.  Sudden, surprising and radical shifts, which could change the direction of our lives, are all real possibilities over the coming weeks.

Uranus also symbolises technology, electricity and extreme weather conditions.  I was blown away, (pardon the pun!), when I heard a crazy (Uranian) ‘breaking’ news report yesterday which said that thunderstorms would be moving through the whole of the United Kingdom on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  The reporter spoke of ‘significant uncertainty’ of location and time.  He added that there’d be a chance of flooding, lightning strikes, power cuts and increased risk of accidents. All typical Uranus symbolism.  

Uranus will be retrograde until the middle of January 2021, giving us a chance to process and integrate all of the changes that are taking place. 


The Full Moon in Aquarius, our new reversed Lunar Cycle and the challenging square between Mars in Aries (the individual) and Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn (the status quo) are triggering an acceleration in the evolution and awakening of humanity. That which has been suppressed for so long is now rising in us and in the collective.  It may help to remember that whatever we’re going through in these challenging times, is part of a wake-up call that could ultimately set us free.

Amongst all the confusion and uncertainty, one thing’s for sure, unprecedented change is on the horizon. 

The combination of Pluto (birth/death/rebirth/empowerment), Saturn (restructuring/mastery/integrity), and Jupiter (miracles/expansion/opportunities) offers the world the possibility of complete metamorphosis.  The Full Moon, now leading our Lunar Cycle, will illuminate the way.

Let the transformation begin!


Take care,  Tanya


New Moon in Virgo – We can work it out - September 2020


Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn – One last blast from the past - July 2020