New Moon in Virgo – We can work it out - September 2020

Hello all,

New Moon in Virgo - We can work it out - September 2020.jpg

How are you doing in these increasingly crazy times? 

Thursday’s New Moon in Virgo was one of the most constructive new moons of the year and will set the tone for the next four weeks.  Thank God for that!  Astrologically, September is a pivotal month marking the beginning of the final chapter of this unprecedented year of change.

As we approach the year’s last quarter a major gear change in the cosmos is creating a huge energetic shift.  On 9th September, Mars turned retrograde in its home sign of Aries for the first time in 30 years.  Meanwhile, on 14th September, Jupiter was the first of three planets to move forwards, Saturn will follow on the 30th September and Pluto on 5th October.

The journey of these three mighty planets, through the end degrees of Capricorn, continue to symbolise the dismantling of an old, outdated paradigm based on hierarchical power structures. Their forward motion, after being retrograde for four months, is a significant turning point taking us nearer to the grand cosmic finale of the year.  When Jupiter and Saturn finally move into Aquarius in December, a new world order will symbolically be born, bringing the hope and promise of a more egalitarian way of life. 

How interesting that the final collapse of the ‘old order’ will be coinciding with the American elections and the possibility of a no deal Brexit in the UK.

I say watch this space!



When Mars is retrograde it’s closer to earth, so we’ll feel its energy and symbolism more strongly than usual.  Mars strengthens and speeds up any body in the sky that it touches, making its continuing, challenging square to the strong alchemical mix of Jupiter (expansion), Saturn (restructuring), and Pluto (metamorphosis) in Capricorn pretty formidable.

Mars, particularly in its home sign of Aries, is fast, goal orientated and ready for action.  At its most primal and basic level Mars says: ‘I want what I want and I want it now’.  Whereas the planets in Capricorn, have a slow, steady, building kind of energy. Saturn, strong in its own sign of Capricorn, is about karma, responsibility and the rewards we can reap if we put in the hard work. The planets in Capricorn are digging deep into the constructs of our ego, revealing unconscious patterns that are limiting our growth and maturity. 

With Mars retrograding and coming up against these slower moving Capricorn planets, it’s like someone’s put the brakes on. We’re being asked to temper our desire for immediate gratification and draw on the maturity of these older, wiser planets.  Their message is to slow down, focus and start building something sustainable that will stand the test of time; but initially, this could feel pretty frustrating!

If this all sounds rather intense, it’s because it is!  However, it is also a precious time of access and reconnection that could ultimately take us to a more integrated and authentic place together with a clearer idea of what we want. Fortunately, Chiron In Aries is helping us get in touch with the parts of ourselves that we’ve denied and become dissociated from. 

What takes place between now and November is important for our long-term future.

We are likely to see deep transformative changes taking place on a collective and personal level.  We can expect to see more action and unrest on the political front, with Mars purifying and burning away what is toxic.  The last thing we should be doing during this period, is willing it over.  If we remain patient and mindful and trust the timing of whatever process is unfolding in our lives, there will be a pay-off.



Thursday 17th September – 12.00pm (bst), 7.00am (est), 4.00am (pac)

The practical and down to earth energy of Thursday’s New Supermoon was intensified due to the Moon’s proximity to earth.

A New Moon in the mutable, earth sign of Virgo reminds us of the need for adaptability.  This organised, flexible energy will help us adjust our routines and lifestyles, over the coming weeks, in these unpredictable, fast moving times.   

As the sign of, purification and discernment, there’s no job that Virgo likes more than creating order out of chaos.  Drawing on this energy, to distinguish the pure from the impure, will help us eliminate what isn’t working in our lives and prioritise what is!

The best news of all is that this hard-working New Moon was making a harmonious trine aspect to the Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto conjunction. This incredibly productive energy will help us consolidate whatever we’re working on and start to put the building blocks in place for our long-term future.

Virgo is also the sign of health, hygiene and healing. In these frightening Covid times, this new cycle could bring much needed workable solutions to the health crisis we find ourselves in.

On a personal level our urge to cleanse ourselves of anything that might be toxic, in our bodies and our lives, could be strong right now. It’s a great time to go on a detox or initiate a new health regime.

A rare and tense aspect, between the New Moon, Neptune, and the Lunar Nodes (collective soul growth and karmic past), describes the stressful times we’re living in and the challenges we face.  This mutable Grand Cross suggests that if they’re any lessons, we as a collective still need to learn, this new cycle will bring them in. With the Nodes in Sagittarius (truth and meaning) and Gemini (communication and information), messages from the universe will be beamed down thick and fast, – we just need to listen! 

The opposition between the Sun and Moon in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces calls for finding a healthy balance between mundane reality and universal truth; hard work and effort and surrender and flow. 

Through the polarity of Virgo and Pisces, we’re reminded that we can only do so much.  The evolutionary process we’re going through is not entirely in our control and, at some point, we’re going to have to let go of the reins and trust that the universe will help take us forward!



Our world is in crisis. Covid cases are rising and here, in the UK, we could be heading towards another lockdown.  Meanwhile thousands of fires are raging across the West Coast of America and the Amazon Rainforest.  These are difficult, karmic times, revealing how misaligned we’ve become with natural law and nature.

As we head towards the birth canal, we have a tricky couple of months to contend with.  Transformation is rarely easy because it involves a death before a rebirth.  But

when Mars turns direct in November things will start to feel easier and make more sense. An evolutionary leap in consciousness is waiting in the wings along with a real chance for a better world.  

The good news is that from now until the end of the year, the universe is gifting us with three Super New Moons in a row. This extra powerful blast of new beginning energy will culminate in a Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on 14th December.  This final turbo powered New Moon of the year is our portal to the new paradigm.

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of hope and opportunity.  On 21st December, a week after the eclipse, Jupiter and Saturn will finally move into the sign of Aquarius.  This innovative, humanitarian sign, is ruled by Uranus the planet of liberation.  The astrological symbolism speaks for itself - we’re walking out of the matrix and into freedom.

Let’s keep this bigger, optimistic picture in mind and draw on the adventurous, future orientated spirit of Jupiter and Uranus, as we move slowly but surely towards our exciting new world.


Take care, Tanya


New Moon in Libra – Redressing the Balance – October 2020


Full Moon in Aquarius – A cosmic revolution - August 2020