New Moon in Aries - The birth of a courageous new world - April 2020

Dear All,

I Hope you’re keeping safe and well in these extraordinary and surreal times.  I don’t know about you but I feel like I’m in some kind of science fiction film with an ending yet to be written.

I would have been in touch sooner but I was busy preparing for my first teaching assignment for the London School of Astrology, on the New Moon in Aries.

You can gain free access, to the two hour seminar, on the London School of Astrology website.   Much of what’s been discussed in the lesson will be in this newsletter.  However, at the end of the class, you’ll find an Energetic NLP manifestation process to help set you up for the next decade, which you may find helpful.  It isn’t time dependent so it will be just as powerful if you listen to it now.

You’ll find this process in the last half hour of the replay. Instructions on how to access the seminar are at the bottom of this email.

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I’ve been sitting at home trying to get my head around the chaos. As a triple Sagittarian, (Sun, Moon and Jupiter in Sagittarius), I can’t function without forming some kind of bigger picture.

So, here’s my attempt at the bigger picture!

This year was always going to be a game changer. Astrologically, 2020 is set to be one of the most important and transformative years in human history.

Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter, are all together in Capricorn, for the first time in thousands of years.  This rare planetary line up demands the wiping out of an old, outdated paradigm based on patriarchal hierarchies and abuses of power.  As the world’s power structures begin to crumble, a new, utopian world order can start to form.  This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.

Astrologers knew the world was on the precipice of some big evolutionary shift, but we didn’t know exactly how it was going to pan out.  Some did talk about a possible pandemic, whilst others thought there might be a war.  But perhaps it’s the coronavirus that will act as the catalyst for the unravelling of the world as we know it.


On 21 December, 2020, Saturn and Jupiter will come together in Aquarius at 0 degrees, for the first time in 800 years.  This major historical moment bodes well for the birth of an era which embodies the essence of Aquarius: innovative ideas, the development of communities of like-minded people, and a more humanitarian and egalitarian way of life. 

But we’re not there yet. Right now, we’re in the tricky position of being caught between two worlds and two paradigms.

We’re approaching the end of a very old cycle and birth is never painless.  Some of the best people I know are really going through it and I can’t pretend to understand why things have to be quite as tough as they are.

But I do know that during times of crisis and chaos, things start to activate and shift.  It’s at times like this that change can happen.

As the world prepares to make a massive evolutionary leap, we’re going to need all the courage we can get.  Thank God for the recent New Moon in Aries which came charging into the cosmos last week like a symbolic knight in shining armour.


Tuesday 24th 9.28am

As the first sign of the zodiac, the Aries New Moon marks the beginning of the Astrological New Year.  So, it will continue to influence us over the next 12 months to come.   Its strong initiatory energy is already propelling us into uncharted territory.  

Aries reconnects us to the fire in our belly and our warrior spirit.  And this particular New Moon is full of positive and constructive energy giving us the resources, and impetus to see us through. 

The lead up to this New Moon was particularly difficult.  Between 10th and 20th March, Saturn, the teacher and Lord of Karma, reached the final 29 degrees of its own sign of Capricorn.  The 29 degrees point, in astrology, can manifest as a big cosmic lesson and crisis before we get to the new terrain of the next sign; in this case Saturn in Aquarius.

This crisis has been around the loss of structure in our lives and the collapse of the institutions that normally support and entertain us.  We’re being tested in unprecedented ways and forced back on to our own resources. All classic Saturn symbolism. 

Aries is the sign of the self; and this Aries New Moon puts the onus and responsibility, for the changes we want to see in the world, firmly back on us.  It’s showing us that the healing of the world starts from the inside, and that we need to be consciously part of the shift in the collective consciousness.

Despite being locked away in the confines of our own home, this is a year to initiate real change in our lives. And part of that involves facing where we’re stuck and working with the intention to let it go.

A conjunction to the New Moon, from Chiron, the wounded healer and shaman of the skies, brings an opportunity for deep personal and collective healing.

The Aries/Chiron combination gives us the courage to face our fears and vulnerability so we can cultivate inner strength and personal authority. Chiron, acts as a bridge between the conscious and unconscious, helping us to heal and integrate the parts of ourselves that we’ve become disassociated from.

Chiron is also famously about discovering the inner gifts and talents we’ve locked away. Now is the time to get in touch with those gifts, own them, share them and make a commitment to what really matters.


The Aries New Moon coincided with Saturn’s move into Aquarius for the first time in 29 years.  Saturn is currently at 0 degrees Aquarius.  This is the same degree it will be at when it meets Jupiter at the end of the year.  So, this New Moon energy holds an energetic resonance of the future, giving us a taste of what’s to come.  As such, it represents a significant turning point in this year of transition.

Saturn rules Capricorn where it’s been for the past two and a half years.  But it’s also the traditional ruler of Aquarius, so it feels very at home there. (The modern ruler of Aquarius is Uranus).   Aquarius is about innovation, collaboration and the importance of community and friendship.  The driving force behind Saturn is to build and restructure. Saturn in Capricorn is about preserving the status quo, whereas Saturn in Aquarius wants to create something new, based on a shared vision and values.

A harmonious trine aspect between the New Moon and Saturn creates an opportunity to build something of lasting value. The youthful, passionate energy of Aries has a responsible playmate in Saturn.   Together they can move mountains.

This aspect also highlights the gift, (New Moon) that might come out of being in isolation, (Saturn).  In true Aquarian symbolism, it feels like there’s a growing awareness in the collective, right now, of how we’re all interconnected; coupled with a strong feeling that we’re in this together.

Aquarius also rules technology and the world wide web, a place where most of us are currently hanging out.  In between the Zumba classes and Zoom dinner parties, I have a feeling we may look back at this period, particularly between now and May when Saturn is in the early degrees of Aquarius, and think, that’s when we started to plant the seeds for our new world. 

The next two months are a prime time for asking questions, and finding the solutions to how communities can work together to make the world a better place.   

An email being circulated, by the US business magnate and philanthropist, Bill Gates, popped into my mailbox last week.  It was entitled,What is the Corona Virus Really Teaching us’?  I did wonder if he’d been speaking to an astrologer before he wrote it.

He writes the virus “is reminding us that this can either be an end or a new beginning. This can be a time of reflection and understanding, where we learn from our mistakes, or it can be the start of a cycle which will continue until we finally learn the lesson we are meant to”. 

Saturn will move back into Capricorn in July and then return to Aquarius at the end of the year. This nine month transit gives us every opportunity to learn the lessons we’re meant to be learning.  With Saturn, we’re talking about lessons of responsibility, integrity and ultimate mastery.

Pluto the planet of death, birth and complete metamorphosis, will continue to dominant the sky all year.  The changes generated under a Pluto transit are permanent and irreversible.

We are at a crossroads for mankind and, according to the astrology, by the end of 2020, the world will be in a very different place and so will we.

Our future is currently a blank canvas and the road ahead could be a bit of a bumpy ride.  But the cosmos is giving us the support and building blocks that we need to help us shape the new era we’re moving into.

I’ve personally been very cheered by the kindness and generosity I’ve been seeing in my local community. If we continue to unite in a spirit of oneness and hold a positive vision of the world we’d like to live in, we’ve got every chance of paving the wave for our Aquarian, collective future.


The one thing we really need to be trying to do, right now, is stay grounded.


Qigong is a really grounding practice.  There are several, excellent teachers from my qigong community, currently offering classes online.  Do let me know if you’d like further details. 


Kirtan (chanting), is another very grounding and heart opening, practice.  Nikki Slade is offering her regular, Saturday Triyoga 6.30 slot, online. She’s also holding kirtan sessions twice a day on Thursdays. Again, let me know if you want me to forward you the links. 


Wherever this Aries New Moon and Chiron is falling in our chart, will say something about how we might be able to initiate real change in our life over the coming year.  It will also highlight where the potential for deep healing is. 

If you’d like a session looking at how this and the other rare planetary alignments might be playing out in your chart, do get in touch.

Sending a virtual hug to you all,


The details on how to access the New Moon in Aries Seminar and Energetic NLP process are below:

To access the recording of the New Moon in Aries seminar and Energetic NLP session, sign up here

If you click on My Dashboard, you should a box with Free Interpretation Sessions on it, see below. Click on that and it should be in there.


New Moon in Gemini - New ideas and fresh perspectives - May 2020


The dawning of a new era - December 2019