The dawning of a new era - December 2019


Can you feel the energy building?

The exact conjunction of Pluto and Saturn is less than a month away. With a number of planets lining up to join them, in the formidable sign of Capricorn, things are getting serious and it feels we’re heading towards something BIG!

The impending eclipse season is adding to the momentum, along with the fact that all the planets in the cosmos, bar Uranus, are now moving forward.

2019 has been a tough year for many. I think we should congratulate ourselves on how far we’ve come.

For much of the year it’s felt like we’ve been in some kind of karmic washing machine going through multiple cycles.  There may still be more work to do, but as we cross over into the next decade, of the 2020s, we have an opportunity to significantly lighten our load and step into a more authentic version of ourselves.

So, hang on in there!



Saturday, 11th January, 2020 – 2.00pm – 18.30pm

A reminder that I’ll be holding a workshop on Saturday 11th January, which falls in between Friday’s Lunar Eclipse and the exact conjunction, of Pluto and Saturn, on the Sunday.

Through guided meditations and release and intention work, we’ll harness this potent cocktail of planetary energy and get this new decade off to a magnificent start! 

You’ll find more information about the workshop at the end of the email.  If you haven’t already done so, do let me know if you’d like to come.


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The Winter Solstice, this Saturday, 21st December, represents the symbolic death and rebirth of the Sun, after the longest and darkest night of the year.  The movement of the Sun, which symbolises our life force energy and purpose, into Capricorn, signifies a major turning point and the beginning of a new chapter.

It’s a great time for contemplation, meditation and reflecting on our intentions for the New Year.

On December 23rd, when the Sun squares Chiron, the wounded healer, our blocks and insecurities could become more visible.  But a supportive trine aspect from the Sun to the revolutionary planet Uranus, on the 24th, could help us break free from an old self-limiting pattern, and ignite a feeling that anything is possible!

SOLAR ECLIPSE(New Moon) -  4°06 CAPRICORN – 26 December 5.13am GMT (25 December 9.13 PST)

Hot on the heels of the Winter Solstice is a formidable Solar Eclipse in Capricorn.

During this eclipse the Sun and Moon will come together with Jupiter (abundance/growth) and the South Node (our past/karma).  So, as well as bringing in something new, this turbo powered New Moon will be encouraging the end of something; highlighting what we no longer need and can now lay to rest.

This new cycle, will set the tone for 2020, and could manifest as a release of life times of contracts and habits which have been playing out in our everyday lives, particularly over the past two years.

As we approach the end of the year, unresolved legal disputes may finally be settled and contracts could be completed and signed.

Jupiter’s role, (higher perspective/deeper meaning) in this eclipse, will be to help us process and understand some of the tough lessons and experiences we’ve been through over the past year.  It could also infuse us with a sense of hope and a clearer vision of what our future might hold.

Jupiter left its home sign of Sagittarius on 2nd December and moved into Capricorn where it will stay until December 2020.  Jupiter in Capricorn is a once-in-a-decade cycle, which can help us to walk our talk and re-vision our life in a much more realistic and practical way.

A trine from Uranus to the Sun, Moon and Jupiter, on the eclipse, brings a feeling of excitement and adventure.   This is breakthrough energy with the possibility of something completely unexpected coming in, which could turn things around!

The 26th to the 29th of December, is a potent time for co-creating with the universe and setting intentions for your professional growth and long-term future.  Do make the best of this powerful energy with whatever practice you do!

THE BIGGER PICTURE                                          

The theme of endings and completions will carry on in 2020.  But a powerful Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse on 10th of January, followed by the much anticipated, Pluto/Saturn conjunction, two days later, will initiate a new cycle in the ongoing breakdown and transformation of the world’s power structures.

Saturn and Pluto will only come together once, on 12th January. Whilst we might not feel anything on the actual day, when Saturn passes Pluto, we’re in to a new phase.  It represents a major turning point, signifying that 2020 will be an important threshold year.

The highlighting and cleansing of abuses of power and toxic institutions, will continue throughout 2020.  And whilst this is happening, people in power, who lack the Capricorn values of integrity and accountability, will attempt to hold on for dear life.

Donald Trump has become the third American President to be impeached, as I write.  Interestingly, the trial, of the man who was born on a Lunar Eclipse, starts in January!

As Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto move towards the end degrees of Capricorn we may come up against some collective blocks.  Things could get volatile, as the push between the old and the new intensifies.

But, the bigger, long term picture, is that in two or three years our political and social systems could be unrecognisable compared to what we have today. 

In December 2020, Saturn and Jupiter will conjunct in Aquarius, an air sign, at 0 degrees.  These two planets come together once every 20 years.  But they haven’t coincided in the element of air, with its focus on communication and innovative ideas, for 800 years. The last time this happened was in the late Middle Ages, when the world went through massive growth and transformation.

This grand mutation, as it’s known in Astrology, will prompt a regime change in the cosmos, encouraging a major shift in the values and orientation of the world.

Aquarius is a humanitarian and collaborative sign.  It represents the development of group consciousness and community; the need to honour our inter connectedness as well as our individuality.

In 2021 we could start to see the emergence of greater co-operation between groups, organizations and governments, along with more egalitarian, community based power structures.

If we can focus on this bigger picture and hold a vision of the kind of world we’d like to live in, we can help usher in a new decade of positive and unlimited possibilities!

Using the upcoming cosmic climate as my guide, I’ll leave you with my mantra for 2020:

‘Be realistic, plan for a miracle’.

Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh.

A very happy New Year to you all!


New Moon in Aries - The birth of a courageous new world - April 2020