New Moon in Gemini - New ideas and fresh perspectives - May 2020

Dear All,

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Have you had enough of the zoom calls, conflicting news reports and general mayhem?  A major gear change in the cosmos has left many people feeling exhausted, discombobulated and overwhelmed.

Multiple planets have recently turned retrograde, while the Lunar Nodes, changed signs for the first time in 18 months, shifting the trajectory of our collective soul growth. At the same time, Mars (action) and Mercury (communication) moved into Pisces and Gemini, respectively, and have been making a challenging square aspect to each other. 

Over the past couple of weeks, this disparate and intense planetary activity has been causing information overload, confusion, and a temporary crisis in decision making.

Friday’s New Moon in Gemini was a breath of fresh air and a, much needed, reset for the month ahead.  More on that in a bit.


Pluto               25 April – 3 October, 24-22 degrees Capricorn

Saturn            11 May – 28 September, 1 Aquarius – 25 degrees Capricorn

Jupiter            14 May – 12 September, 27-17 degrees Capricorn

Venus            13 May – 24 June, 21-5 degrees Gemini


The word ‘retrograde,’ in astrology, seems to trigger a lot of anxiety and all sorts of fatalistic responses.


So just to clarify, when planets turn retrograde it doesn’t mean that we do.  In fact, retrograde cycles, are associated with periods of accelerated growth.  As the focus of energy moves from the external to the internal, it’s a perfect time for contemplation and re-evaluation.

Whilst Venus is retrograde in Gemini, we’ll be reviewing our relationships and social distancing etiquette, looking at how we spend our money and considering how we can fine tune our skills.

It’s likely we’ll see a surge in creative activities and online training courses during this period.  With Jupiter, the planet of spiritual teaching and higher education, also retrograde, our desire to learn will be intensified. We may feel compelled to revisit a subject we’ve studied in the past, with a view to making it part of our repertoire.

As we learn how little we need, we’re starting to break away from an age-old collective mentality that’s been ruled by materialism and consumerism.  Over the coming months we’ll reach a new level of understanding about what really matters to us. 

With Saturn, (Lord of Karma and time), and Pluto, (ruler of the unconscious), both travelling retrograde, we could be feeling overburdened by the past. This is a time to embrace rather than resist Pluto’s call to the underworld to face our shadow. It’s a precious time for recapturing long lost memories and bringing unconscious patterning into awareness.  Mars in Pisces, till the end of June, will help facilitate this process of release and transmutation which will help set us free.

While Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter are retrograde, the spread of Covid19, could slow down.  But it doesn’t look like we’re done with it quite yet.  At the end of September/early October, when all these planets start moving forwards again, we could see a final resurgence.  But by the end of the year, when Jupiter meets Saturn in Aquarius, for the first time in 800 years, we’re firmly in new territory.  By then, we should have a much greater understanding of how this virus works and how to contain it.



On May 5th, the Lunar Nodes shifted from the Cancer/Capricorn, axis of security into Gemini and Sagittarius, the axis of knowledge and information.

On a global level, the nodal axis represents the collective soul’s evolution. When the nodes change signs, the nature of our collective destiny shifts. 

The collective lessons, of the past 18 months, were intensified as the Lunar Nodes reached the end of their journey through Cancer and Capricorn.  The transiting South Node, represents the karma and themes we need to resolve as a society.  It’s journey through Capricorn, since 2018, has been highlighting the over prioritizing of work and external success.  Whilst the North Node in Cancer has been urging us to slow down and give more time and value to our personal lives and our deeper connections and needs. This lesson was brought home to us when we were literally forced back into our houses, (Cancer) through lockdown.

The, versatile and optimistic signs of Sagittarius (fire) and Gemini (air) are now infusing the cosmos with a faster, lighter energy.  Their cosmic lessons, at this pivotal time in history, indicates our evolutionary growth lies in being as open and adaptable as possible, while the world goes through a radical restructuring.

The North Node in Gemini, until 2022, will be encouraging us to consider new perspectives whilst cultivating a beginner’s mind.   At the same time the South Node, in Sagittarius, will be shining a light on any tendencies toward dogmatic beliefs and untruths. 

The way we think and process information in general, could be radically transformed, over the next 18 months, paving the way for more meaningful dialogue, and an enhanced ability to listen.


NEW MOON IN GEMINI - Friday 22nd May - 18.38pm bst - 10.38am pst


Friday’s, Gemini New Moon was literally bouncing off the walls.  Six planets in the mutable signs of Gemini and Pisces creates a restless, excitable energy with lots of possibility for change.  This New Moon energy is still potent so it’s not too late to co create with this adaptable energy and set some intentions!

A supportive trine aspect from Saturn, to the Sun and Moon, makes this a good month for constructive conversations, with a potential for building something that lasts.

A square aspect between Mercury in Gemini (intellect/mind), and Neptune in Pisces, (intuition/flow), reminds us that we can’t rely on our logic alone.  Neptune represents our connection to spirit.  Amongst all the mental chatter we need to allow space for our inner wisdom and a higher truth to become part of the conversation.




The crumbling of the worlds power structures that I’ve been banging on about for the past 18 months is fully underway.  The chaos and turbulence across the globe is all part of the cosmic reset which is paving the way for a new world order. 

Instead of clinging to the past we need to get out of our comfort zone and find a way of adjusting to these challenging times. Embracing trade mark Gemini, versatility and curiosity, will help see us through.  We’re still very much in the birthing process so we have to hang on in there.

Let’s welcome this summer’s impending eclipse season with open arms.  With three, as opposed to the usual two, eclipses coming up, (5th and 21st June and 5th July), the theme of unprecedented change will gather force.

Eclipses, herald major turning points.   Their turbo powered, upgrading energy give us the opportunity to shift deeply entrenched collective and personal patterns and karma.  This is exactly the kind of energy we need to help take us forward.

Jupiter, known as the Great Benefic in traditional astrology, is also regarded as the planet of miracles.  Its exact meeting with Pluto, the planet of metamorphosis, on June 30th and November 12th, could in itself bring about the transformation the world needs.

Let’s keep the faith, hold the vision and call in the miracle.  According to the astrology, we’ve never been so close!


Take care,


Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius – A journey to emotional freedom - June 2020


New Moon in Aries - The birth of a courageous new world - April 2020