Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius – A journey to emotional freedom - June 2020

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LUNAR ECLIPSE (FULL MOON) 15 DEGREES SAGITTARIUS Friday, 5th June, 2020 – 20.12pm UK bst, 3.12pm EST, 12.20pm PST

As I tune into today’s expansive, Sagittarian, Lunar Eclipse I’m reminded of the famous phrase, coined by Fritz Perls, the founding father of gestalt therapy: ‘Lose your mind and come to your senses.’

With the Sun in intellectual, airy Gemini opposite the Moon in fiery, intuitive Sagittarius, there’s a rewiring and rebalancing taking place between our left and right brains.  In short, this turbo powered Full Moon has the potential to literally blow our minds! 

If you’ve noticed unhelpful thought processes and patterns of sabotaging behaviour starting to surface over the past couple of weeks, you’re not alone. This is a time to acknowledge our vulnerability with compassion and let go of old dogmatic beliefs and untruths that have been unconsciously ruling our lives.

With the Moon at 15 degrees Sagittarius, this eclipse will align with a potent energetic point in our galaxy, known as ‘The Great Attractor’.  This super charged portal of divine and inspirational energy, contains the highest manifestation of Sagittarian wisdom and truth.

With two more eclipses to go, we’ll be in this portal of transformative energy right up until July 20th.

It might feel easier to stay with the familiar but that’s not the energy of the moment. A challenging square aspect from Mars to the Sun and Moon is urging us to boldly move forwards and step into unchartered territory.

The ultimate gift of this Sagittarian Full Moon is emotional liberation.  Embracing the adventurous spirit of Sagittarius and the openness and curiosity of Gemini, will help get us there.


Enjoy the ride!


Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn – One last blast from the past - July 2020


New Moon in Gemini - New ideas and fresh perspectives - May 2020