2002 - The Year of Breaking Free - 4 January, 2022

Happy New Year Everybody!

I do indeed think that this year has the potential to be a much lighter and happier one.  After a heavy and crisis ridden two years, 2022 has a very different feel to it with the opportunity for a lot more innovation and change to take place.


In order to understand the energetic zeitgeist of the times we need to look at the key planetary aspects of recent years.  Here’s a quick recap:

2020 was dominated by Pluto (Power, birth, death and rebirth) conjunct Saturn (karma, rules and constriction) in Capricorn (the institutions of society). This new 500- year cycle initiated the beginning of a collapse and transformation in the world’s power structures. 2020 was a year of austerity and restriction which literally manifested in a lock (Saturn), down (Pluto).  Covid seems to have come along to unravel the world as we know it.

At the end of 2020 Saturn and Jupiter came together in Aquarius at 0 degrees for the first time in 800 years.  This rare planetary moment initiated a new beginning, encouraging a major shift in the values and orientation of the world.  We are still in the early stages of birthing this new paradigm.

2021 was defined by the energy of Saturn (the status quo) square Uranus (revolutionary change). This tense, dynamic aspect ignited an ongoing tug of war between freedom and control and the past and the future.


The good news is that the key planetary aspect of 2022 is Jupiter (expansion and faith) conjunct Neptune (divine connection and flow).  This can help us to dissolve polarity and embrace oneness.

Pluto, the planet of metamorphosis, will move through the final degrees of Capricorn this year, continuing to demolish old, outdated, hierarchical structures whilst exposing abuses of power. The changes generated under a Pluto transit have a reputation of being permanent and irreversible.

The Saturn/Uranus square will still be hovering around in the background, so it won’t be completely plain sailing. However, these two planets will not be meeting exactly again. This will help to loosen some of the constrictions we’ve been living under freeing us up to build something new.

Uranus Rules OK!

Last year Saturn was the dominating planet in the cosmos. This year Uranus has the upper hand.  Uranus symbolises the future and is ahead of its time.  This rebellious, unpredictable and liberating planet is associated with the galactic, great awakenings, rapid change, innovation, higher consciousness, and sudden breakthroughs. 

Uranus will have a stronger influence this year because it will conjunct the North Node (our collective soul growth and future trajectory).  It will also be closely involved with this year’s eclipses which are associated with major turning points and leaps in consciousness. 

We are about to enter a period of accelerated collective and personal growth.  The brakes are off!  

New Moon in Capricorn 12 degrees

Sunday, 2nd January - 18.34pm (gmt), 1.34pm (est), 10.34am (pac)

Sunday’s innovative Capricorn New Moon was extra powerful because it was the first New Moon of the year.  Its themes and symbolism will help set the energetic tone of 2022. 

The great news is that this New Moon was being nicely supported by Uranus, fuelling the potential for positive progress and enlightenment.

Capricorn is a goal-orientated, focused earth sign.  Right now, the universe is helping to strengthen our intentions around the Capricorn themes of work, business, and the overall structure of our lives.

The productive, grounded and strong manifesting energy of this Capricorn New Moon gives us a real chance to crystalise some of the plans we may have had to put on hold over the past two years.

Retrograde Periods – A Time for Processing and Reflection

We have quite a lot of retrograde activity in 2022.  Mercury, Venus and Mars, will all be moving backwards at some point this year.

During retrograde periods we have a chance to reflect, recalibrate and recharge our batteries. This is exactly what we will need during this fast-paced year of twists and turns.  We need to take advantage of this slower more contemplative energy in January to plan, fine tune our vision, rest and recuperate.

Venus has been retrograde since 19th December.  It will start moving forwards again on 29th January. This retrograde period is a time to review and refine the areas of our life that Venus represents – our relationships, skills and talents, finances and earning potential, self-worth and how and what we attract. 

Venus is currently conjunct Pluto so during its retrograde cycle Venus is taking the energy of Pluto with it.  This intensifies the possibility of transforming the structure of our lives on a personal and collective level.

Mercury will turn retrograde in Aquarius on 14th January until the 3rd of February, giving us even more opportunity to process and sorts things out.

As Uranus begins to accelerate the expansion in our consciousness, these retrograde periods will be a perfect time to process this awakening energy.

All of the planets will be moving forward from 4th February to 29th April. This is a green light from the universe to start putting some of our plans into action.

Jupiter Sextile Uranus - 17th – 21st February

This beautiful planetary aspect will make its presence felt for most of February and early March.  Alignments between Uranus and Jupiter come hand in hand with a growth in consciousness and technological and scientific breakthroughs and discoveries. Uranus is connected to the solar system and other galaxies and Jupiter is associated with religion and spirituality. I was interested to read last week that Nasa have hired a priest and other religious experts to help us earthlings prepare for the possibility that life may exist on planets beyond our own.  Watch this space!

Shift of the Lunar Nodes – South Node in Scorpio and North Node in Taurus - 18 January, 2021 – 17 July, 2023

In January the Lunar Nodes will shift from the Gemini/Sagittarius axis of information and knowledge to the Taurus/Scorpio axis of security and survival.

On a global level, the Lunar Nodes represent the evolutionary soul growth of the collective.  They carry a message that we all need to be paying attention to. The nodes change signs, every 18 months.  The lessons of the past year and a half have been about releasing old dogmatic beliefs systems and embracing new perspectives and diversity.  We need to keep these lessons alive as we move away from the busy chatter of our minds (Gemini) into the stillness of our body (Taurus).

Over the next 18 months our resources, security, finances and our most intimate relationships will take centre stage. These are the areas of our life where we will be supported to make the most change.

The North Node represents the next stage of our evolutionary growth. It’s through embracing the highest manifestation of Taurus that we’ll make the greatest leaps in our development

Taurus is a practical earth sign.  It rules our physical body and our connection to the earth.  Its energy is steady, grounded and restorative.  This is exactly the kind of energy we need to embrace to help offset the intensity and chaos that has been dominating the world. 

On a global level Taurus symbolises the environment, the earth’s resources and planet earth itself. The areas of life where the world is in crisis and where changes need to and can take place are already being highlighted - climate change, how we source food, how we invest and use money and how we survive.  The North Node in Taurus is encouraging us to develop practical skills so we can become more self-sustainable.  For example, if you’ve been thinking about getting an allotment this is the year to do it!!

The good news is that Scorpio and Taurus is the kind of energy you want around in a crisis.  Both signs contain strong, survivor energy.  Taurus is about building something of lasting value that can stand the test of time.  Scorpio represents the death and rebirth that we’re going through and the potential for complete transformation.  The time has come for the earth to reinvent itself!

Jupiter Conjunct Neptune in Pisces – Time to Dream Big!

Jupiter and Neptune come together every 13 years but they haven’t been together in Pisces, the sign that they both rule, since 1851. They are very happy in their own sign!

This is a truly magical and inspiring combination which symbolises limitless expansion, huge spiritual growth, divine connection, greater compassion, unconditional love and miracles. 

Jupiter and Neptune will meet exactly at 23 degrees Pisces on 12th April, but they will be strongly impacting us for the whole of April and in fact for most of this year.

Neptune is the planet of dreams and Jupiter represents opportunities and good luck. Their connection is going to magnify our visioning, manifesting and healing abilities.  We need to make the most of this miraculous energy to expand our vision of what we think is possible and dream big!

Pisces is a sign of duality. Its image is of two fish going in separate directions.  This suggests that we are not on a linear journey.  If you’re not feeling clear about where you’re going or how you’re going to get there, that’s ok. The best thing we can do is to hold a positive vision for the future with as little attachment to outcome as possible and go with the flow.  We need to find a way of embracing the not knowing and trust that something higher is taking us to where we need to be.  

Above all we need to find ways of staying grounded.  The North Node in Taurus can help us to become more easily rooted in our body and the present moment.

Jupiter in Aries

Jupiter will move into Aries on 11th of May. It will stay there until 27th October when it will go back into Pisces. Jupiter’s back and forth movement from Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, into Aires the first sign confirms that we’re in a process of endings and new beginnings. 

Do note that during Jupiter’s journey through the initiating sign of Aries we’re being encouraged to put some of our dreams into action!

Enjoy the Ride!

Our future is currently a blank canvas and the road ahead is uncertain, but we are going to be receiving a lot more cosmic support in 2022 than we’ve had in recent years. 

If we can find a way of surrendering to the present moment, without getting caught up in the confusion and anxiety surrounding us, we can begin to embrace the profound transformation which is in the process of taking place.

The New Moon in Capricorn is encouraging us to find our own anchor and inner authority during these unprecedented times.  We might not know exactly where we’re going but Jupiter and Neptune can help us to visualise and manifest a positive future. It’s time to let go of the river bank and allow the universe to show us the way.

Here’s to an exciting New Year!




Pluto in Aquarius - Feeling the Force of Change - 21 January, 2024


New Moon Solar Eclipse In Sagittarius - Bouncing Back - 4 December, 2021