Pluto in Aquarius - Feeling the Force of Change - 21 January, 2024

Did you feel the monumental shift in energy as Pluto re-entered Aquarius?  Pluto and the Sun converged at the final 29-degree point of Capricorn on Saturday, and then together, in the early hours of Sunday morning moved into the transformative realms of Aquarius at 0 degrees.

Thursday’s Full Moon in Leo, ruled by the Sun, is fuelling our creative desire and sense of purpose. It’s time to align our aspirations (Sun) with the collective forces of change (Pluto).

Rebirth Energy and Pivotal Turning Points: We are now in the aftermath of one of the most anticipated cosmic events of the century; immersed in the energy of rebirth, heading towards unchartered territory.

Pluto is a slow-moving planet so it has been taking its time to get us to this point.  When it dipped into Aquarius for the first time in 248 years, last March, we got a taste of something new.  However, it didn’t stay there long enough for us to be able to fully sustain the shift forward. 

Apart from a short return to Capricorn, later in the year, Pluto will be in Aquarius until 2043.  We’ve reached a pivotal turning point in our collection evolution.

Pluto’s Journey: Pluto, the planet of power, transformation, and death and rebirth, has been on a 15-year journey through Capricorn, exposing abuses of power and demolishing outworn structures.

Things intensified at the beginning of 2022 when Pluto started moving through the end degrees of Capricorn.  This marked a crisis and culmination point, leading us to shed eons of outdated patterns and programming.

It’s been a painful process.  As a collective, we have been navigating our way through a shared dark night of the soul.  As we emerge from this profound period of release, we are on the brink of a giant leap forward.

Aquarian Energy Unleashed: Pluto’s entry into Aquarius signifies a massive shift in the evolutionary growth of humanity.  During this era, we will experience an elevation in our consciousness and an empowerment of the people.  The shift from earth (Capricorn) to air (Aquarius) unleashes a faster, lighter energy – the brakes are off!

Aquarian Utopia: Aquarius, the sign of freedom, community, innovation and the future symbolises a collective shared vision for a better future.  Over the next two decades, anticipate a surge in technological advancement and scientific discoveries.  This out-of-the-box energy could also lead to breakthroughs in the world of complementary medicine and healing as well as a new understanding of the universe as we know it. 

Revolutionary Change: When Pluto last journeyed through Aquarius, between 1777 and 1798, we had the Age of Enlightenment, The Industrial Revolution, The French Revolution and the American War of Independence.

This is just the beginning of an era marked by revolutionary change.

However, the big question is, have we learned the lessons of Pluto in Capricorn?  Pluto has been deconstructing what isn’t working and exposing what is toxic. Yet, the transformation of governmental systems is still a work in progress.  As Pluto travels through future-orientated Aquarius, it’s time to start shifting our focus away from challenging the old paradigm to birthing a new age for humanity.


During a 90-minute Year Ahead session, we can explore what the transition of Pluto into Aquarius means for you and how you can step into the highest expression of this metamorphic energy.  You can find out more about the session and my other offerings here:


FULL MOON IN LEO – 5 degrees

Thursday 25th January – 5.54pm (gmt), 12.54pm (est), 9.54pm (pac)

Balancing Heart and Mind: Thursday’s Full Moon in Leo is a blast of heartwarming life-force energy.  The first Full Moon of the year is a chance to purge and release the energies of the previous year, creating space for the future we wish to create. 

Globally, this Full Moon speaks of revolutionary change through heart-centred leadership and the creation of an egalitarian society. 

Harmony Between Aquarius and Leo: Creating the best version of an Aquarian Utopia requires embracing the energy of Leo, its opposite sign. This will involve finding a health balance between Aquarian logic and Leo’s heartfelt emotion, the needs of the group (Aquarius) versus the needs of the individual (Leo), higher collective consciousness (Aquarius), and personal ego (Leo).  It’s a balancing act that we will need to keep addressing as we move forward.

Empowering Creativity: Let’s embrace these cosmic waves of change, cultivating inner calm and anchoring ourselves amidst the unpredictable.  If we nurture and develop our unique creative offering, we can become a vehicle for the positive change we want to see in the world. 

We are, indeed, being empowered to become the architects of our future.


I can feel the hope spreading all around
Can you feel the force?
I can feel a new beginning in the air
Can you feel the force?
Peace and love forming everywhere
Can you feel the force?

Can You Feel the Force?

The Real Thing (70s Soul Band)


2002 - The Year of Breaking Free - 4 January, 2022