New Moon in Scorpio – The Turning Point We’ve Been Waiting For - November 2020

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We’re reaching a culmination point in one of the craziest years in living memory. It’s just 6 weeks until the end of the year and the intensity in the air shows no sign of letting up. 

The power planets, Jupiter and Pluto came together for their third and final conjunction, last Thursday 12th.  We’re still feeling the reverberations of this huge shift in energy. 

Meanwhile, today’s Scorpio New Moon, with its theme of birth death and rebirth, is initiating a transformative new cycle. We’ll be feeling its effects for the next four weeks (15 November – 13 December).  

This purposeful New Moon, is intensified by Mars turning direct today, after being retrograde since September.  On top of this, the New Moon, with newly direct Mars in tow, is marching towards a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, on 30th November, (my birthday!)  This is a new beginning which will involve the letting go of something huge. It’s also the turning point we’ve been waiting for.



The combination of Pluto, (detoxification and metamorphosis) and Jupiter (wisdom and growth) have been accelerating the demolition of the old structures, globally and personally and expanding our potential for spiritual transformation.

However, this conjunction is a transit of extremes which has historically corresponded with a variety of pandemics.  Pluto, the planet of elimination also symbolises the collective immune system, whilst Jupiter exaggerates and increases what it touches.   

Pluto and Jupiter were together in Aries, in 1347, during the black death, the deadliest pandemic in human history.  They met again in Capricorn, in 1771, during the last big outbreak of the bubonic plague in Russia.  They were conjunct in Cancer during the 1918 Spanish flu and once again in Libra in, 1981, the beginning of the AIDS pandemic. 

All of their exact conjunctions this year (4th April, 29th June, 12th November) have coincided with heightened periods of the spread of COVID worldwide and massive death numbers.

Last Thursday, on the day of their final, exact conjunction, the UK became the first European nation to pass the landmark figure of over 50,000 COVID deaths, with 595 deaths recorded in 24 hours. 

In theory, now that this cycle is completing, things should start to calm down. I, personally, wouldn’t want to call it.  However, many astrologers are predicting that the virus will start flattening out in mid-December. Let’s hope and pray!



Sunday 15th November – 5.07am (gmt), 00.07am (est), 9.07pm (pst on the 14th)

This New Moon is one of the most favourable of the year because it’s making a harmonious sextile aspect to Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto, the three key players in this year’s paradigm shift.  This constructive, forward moving energy will encourage a resurgence of our passion and purpose and help us to integrate the changes that have been taking place all year.  

There is one caveat. Scorpio is an emotional sign. Venus, in a challenging square aspect to Pluto, will be intensifying our feelings and desires. Our impulses and reactions could be heightened over the coming weeks and we need to keep some objectivity.

Mars, the traditional ruler of Scorpio, is adding fuel to the fire.  It’s moving forwards today, after being retrograde for two months.   The brakes are well and truly off and we have to find constructive ways of harnessing this passionate build-up of energy -ie, through dancing, boxing, exercising.  

All in all, this is a great New Moon for getting things moving again!



Monday 30th November – 9.29am (gmt), 4.29am (est), 01.29am (pst)

The Scorpio New Moon marks the beginning of an eclipse season, bringing a dramatic finale to a turbulent year. 

Eclipses are turbo powered New Moons and Full Moons heralding a time of major completions and powerful new beginnings; deep insights and accelerated growth.  Whatever we’re committing to right now has a chance to really grow. Equally, if we’re trying to end something (a job, relationship, or pattern of behaviour), the eclipse will be a perfect time to let it go. 

An eclipse, particularly during Scorpio season, means the veil between the conscious and subconscious will be very thin - whatever’s been repressed is likely to emerge.  

With the eclipse taking place on the Gemini/Sagittarius axis of knowledge and information, it’s time for the truth to come out.  

The forward motion of Mars, often associated with the surgeon’s scalpel, will help give us the strength and courage to cut ourselves free from old dogmatic beliefs and mental fears and blocks.

On top of this, Mercury, the ruler of Gemini and the ruler of this eclipse, will be opposite Uranus, the planet of great awakenings. This increases the potential for monumental revelations and light bulb moments.  It’s going to be a mind-blowing time - a time to listen, weigh things up and be open to the idea of seeing things from a different perspective.



Get ready for an explosive time in the media.  The eclipse, with its theme of dramatic endings and revelations is already making its presence felt.  

This weekend, it was announced that Boris Johnson had sacked his Chief Advisor, Dominic Cummings, following internal battles about his role. Cummings famously broke lockdown rules.  With his Sun in the early degrees of Sagittarius and his natal Saturn in Gemini, this eclipse is hitting his chart directly.  On Friday it was reported that English serial killer, Peter Sutcliffe, (the ‘Yorkshire ripper’) had died, after refusing treatment for COVID. The eclipse will conjunct his Gemini Sun and Mercury.    

Meanwhile, the spotlight will remain on Ghislaine Maxwell, ex-girlfriend of Jeffrey Epstein, currently facing charges of sex trafficking, and journalist, Martin Bashir, who is facing an inquiry into claims that he landed his 1995 interview with Princess Diana, through 'sheer dishonesty'.  Maxwell and Bashir have the Eclipse falling within one degree of their Gemini ascendant (which represents their journey and the part of them that is very visible). Over the coming month, in both their cases, the truth will undoubtedly come out.

This Gemini Lunar Eclipse will be significant for both Boris Johnson and Donald Trump who have their natal Sun in Gemini.  In fact, Trump was born on a Sagittarius/Gemini Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse, hence his ability to shake things up.  This eclipse is certainly going to shake things up for him.  Eclipses have a habit of blasting what’s redundant.  We ain’t seen nothing yet!

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris clearly have their work cut out.  Trump, currently suing five American states for voters’ fraud, may end up having to be physically escorted out of the building. And as the forward motion of Mars gathers momentum, there could be serious civil unrest from some of the 70 million Americans who voted him.  

But the regime change in America is coinciding with a regime change in the sky. Jupiter and Saturn are edging their way towards the very last degrees of Capricorn, symbolising the collapse of the status quo. They will make their move into the egalitarian sign of Aquarius, on 21 December.  They haven’t been exactly conjunct in Aquarius at 0 degrees for 800 years.

Biden’s election, by the majority of Americans, is a watershed moment.  As he pledges to ‘restore the soul of America’, astrologically, we’re right on track.




The key message of today’s Scorpio New Moon is that just like the proverbial phoenix rising from the ashes, we can and will rise again.

I recommend making the most of this dynamic, initiatory energy by setting some intentions; for what you want to achieve and what you might need to let go of. 

On 14 December, a Solar Eclipse in the optimistic, sign of Sagittarius will be our portal to the new Aquarian world.  This super charged New Moon will set the tone for much of next year.  

Let’s keep our eye on the prize and start to look forward to a brighter future. 


Take care, Tanya


Christmas Cosmic Update - December 2020


New Moon in Libra – Redressing the Balance – October 2020